Frequently Asked
How has COVID impacted WHEAT programming?
In the summers of 2022 and 2023 we were pleased to offer a combination of in-person and online offerings in all our Diploma and Certificate programs.
We value the benefits of face-to-face programming and land-based experiences. Summer 2024 was our last year offering a hybrid option where students who are unable to attend in person can elect to participate online. Starting summer 2025 we will have mandatory in person spring and summer immersions. The rest of the academic year (September - April) will remain as online classes. Information on accommodation is located HERE
Can I enroll as an online / distance student in a Diploma program?
Our diploma programs are made up of both online courses (which can be completed from anywhere), summer immersions, and spring immersion that takes place at Painted Sky Studio in St. Laurent, Manitoba and should be attended in person due to the highly interactive nature of the training. We are also able to offer a satellite program in your community with our Bring Your Own Cohort program. Contact us for details!
Online classes and supervision are done through Zoom. For students unfamiliar with Zoom, it is a video conferencing platform. If you don't already have Zoom on your computer, you will be prompted to download Zoom Client after clicking on the provided meeting link. Or you can download Zoom here: https://zoom.us/download#client_4meeting It is small download. There are also tutorials available on joining a Zoom meeting at https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-How-Do-I-Join-A-Meeting-
What is the registration process?
We ask prospective students to first submit their online registration here. Our Registrar will follow up and send further information about the program and/or course you are interested in registering for, in addition to the application materials. Students intending to register in one of the diploma or certificate programs will be encouraged to arrange a time to speak with WHEAT Founding Director Darci Adam to discuss their career interests and goals. If the intention is to move forward with registration then the application form and any required materials will be sent to WHEAT via email or mail.
Are there any prerequisites?
The requirements for our Art and Expressive Arts Therapy Diploma programs includes a Bachelor's or Master’s degree in counselling, social work, fine arts, or psychology OR an equivalent field with an Equivalency Assessment completed to determine equivalencies. Prerequisites include Developmental Psychology (3 credits) and Abnormal Psychology or Psychopathology (3 credits). This work may also be completed during the course of study.
The Expressive Arts Certificate has several entry options. It is open to people with a Bachelor’s degree in a related field such as counselling, education, social work, fine arts, psychology, OT, recreation or divinity. Artists and community activists with some arts background are also eligible. A written application indicating your background is required.
Does the supply fee cover textbooks?
The Supply Fee covers the cost of art supplies and materials used in your classes held at Painted Sky Studio. Textbooks and required readings listed on a course syllabus are the responsibility of students to purchase from a local bookstore or online. At times WHEAT will photocopy course packages for instructors or unpublished works and charge a small fee to cover the cost of photocopying.
Are there any scholarships or bursaries available?
WHEAT has two scholarships available through The Winnipeg Foundation and a new IBPOC award that was just launched summer 2024. You can find further details about these opportunities on our Scholarships page here.
What qualifications will I have after graduation from WHEAT?
WHEAT meets the Educational Standards of the Canadian Art Therapy Association (CATA). Art Therapy Diploma graduates will have the necessary requirements to join CATA as professional members and to work towards registration as Registered Canadian Art Therapists (RCAT). CATA standards currently require that students have a minimum of a Bachelor degree to enroll in an approved art therapy program. A Master's degree may be required by certain agencies in order to bill as a therapist. Students are an Art Therapist once they graduate from WHEAT's training, however, RCAT's do require an additional 1000 hours of direct client contact, and 50 hours of clinical supervision, beyond graduation. This is standard in becoming registered with any professional counselling association. Once you complete the required hours for registration, you can add RCAT to your credentials. WHEAT graduates can practice as an Art Therapist but would not be eligible to serve as a Supervisor (as supervisors require the RCAT designation). Further information about becoming a registered member of CATA can be found at https://www.canadianarttherapy.org/levels-of-membership/ and RCAT registration at https://www.canadianarttherapy.org/what-is-an-rcat/ All of the graduates from our first graduating class (2018) are using their art therapy skills in professional settings, and almost all have also set up private practices. We offer a business class to ensure that students have a business plan, name and logo prior to graduation, should they wish to continue in private practice.
Expressive Arts Therapy Diploma graduates will have the training necessary to become members of the Ontario Expressive Arts Therapy Association (OEATA). You can join as an Expressive Arts Therapist with a 500 + hour training program, including supervised practicum and thesis / final project. Registering as a professional member of the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA), as either a Registered Expressive Arts Therapist (REAT) or a Registered Expressive Arts Consultant/Educator (REACE), is a process, with a variety of criteria, which can be found here ieata.org.
Our 200+ hour Expressive Arts Certificate programs prepares students to join the Ontario Expressive Arts Therapy Association as Expressive Arts Practitioners.
Read our Professional Practice Overview
Can individual course credits be transferred to other programs?
Yes, individual course credits can be transferred to future diploma or certificate programs. Our Registrar would work with the student to figure out what credits would count and the revision in tuition.
Are any WHEAT courses accredited by outside associations?
Yes, select courses are accredited for CEC's with the Canadian Counselling & Psychotherapy Association (CCPA).
How many practicum and supervision hours are required to graduate?
Art Therapy Diploma students require a total of 700 practicum hours, 300 of which are to be direct client contact and 400 indirect contact. Students will receive a combination of Individual, Dyadic, and Group Supervision in a combination of ratios (1 hour of individual supervision for every 10 hours of direct client contact or 2 hours of group supervision for every 10 hours of direct client contact) to fulfill a total of 48 hours of supervision. All supervision is provided by WHEAT.
Expressive Arts Therapy Diploma students are required to complete 300 hours of direct client contact and 300 hours of indirect client contact. Students will receive a combination of Individual, Dyadic, and Group supervision to fulfill a total of 40 hours of supervision or until the practicum hours are complete, whichever comes first.
What are WHEAT's attendance and course policies?
As experiential learning, arts engagement, thoughtful reflection, and group work with others, are crucial parts of all courses, students are required to have regular and punctual attendance for each class and supervision session.
Access our Attendance and Course Policies
Do students require insurance?
All registered students (currently enrolled in a program and completing course work, practicum hours and/or their final research project) are covered under the WHEAT Institute Liability Insurance. Students who complete their practicum hours (and may be doing work experience hours for IEATA) are still covered under WHEAT’s insurance if they are enrolled in course work and/or completing their final project. This includes students who extend their program to three years under “Thesis Extension”. This does mean that while the student may not be logging practicum hours for WHEAT, they are still required to complete the WHEAT paperwork (client consent forms, etc.) Once students have completed the practicum requirements as outlined in their program they may book additional supervision through WHEAT or find their own Supervisor.
Are we required to pay for the services of a Art Therapy or Expressive Arts practicum student?
WHEAT practicum students can be compensated for their services; however, WHEAT will not be involved in these negotiations and compensation is not a requirement for hosting a student.
Where can I find information about WHEAT's Sexual Violence Policy?
Our policy and protocol applies to all students, practicum site placements, instructors, faculty, staff, and administrators of WHEAT Institute. WHEAT Administration will support students in finding appropriate resources in their own geographical location following any complaint. WHEAT can also provide psychological and emotional support, assist with safety planning, and make referrals to other services, including medical services.
Access our full Sexual Violence Policy
Are there accessibility supports available?
WHEAT is committed to creating an accessible and inclusive community for all students, faculty, and staff. Information and educational materials are available through a communication support or accessible format on request. This may include information regarding our accessibility and training policies. If you need help and support as a student we are here for you. Please reach out by email: info@wheatinstitute.com and we would be happy to assist.
You may access The Accessibility for Manitobans Act or the Manitoba Accessibility Office for further information.
Do I get a refund if I need to cancel my registration or withdraw from a program?
There are non-refundable registration fees for all our programs and for registration in individual courses as professional development. These fees would not be refunded. Should a Diploma student decide to withdraw from the program at any time, they would complete the process of withdrawal as mandated by the Private Vocational Institutes of Manitoba (PVI), including use of the refund calculator for tuition fees.
PVI's Tuition Refund Policy*
We are currently working on a internal refund and withdrawal policy for our Expressive Arts Certificate. Professional development drop-ins are asked to inform us of any cancellations at least a week in advance, at which time they would receive a refund on the course fee (minus the non-refundable registration fee). No refunds will be given for professional development drop-ins after the class has already started.
*applicable to our Art Therapy, Expressive Arts Therapy, and Dual Art & Expressive Arts Therapy Diploma programs.