WHEAT Institute
Contribute to the WHEAT Art & Expressive Arts Therapy Subsidy Award
Subsidy requests will be awarded to students and those with lived experiences who would otherwise be unable to participate in one of our programs as the full tuition poses a financial barrier. If you would like to support underfunded eligible art and expressive arts therapy participants we welcome your contribution. Please complete the form below. Thank you!
Give to our Scholarship Fund and Receive a Therapeutic Game
and/or Life-Path Story and Colouring Book
WHEAT Institute is excited to share two scholarship fundraisers in collaboration with the Winnipeg Foundation and the inimitable WHEAT grad, renowned local writer and puppeteer, Janine Tougas. Having recently had a playful and transformative learning journey through the WHEAT Institute Expressive Arts Therapy Certificate, Janine has a heartfelt desire to help the institute. To this end, she has devised a very unique and special way to contribute to the WHEAT Institute Indigenous Students Scholarship Fund.
By donating, you are contributing to the development of two scholarship funds in perpetuity named after two important people, who have served as inspiration to Darci Adam, the founder of the WHEAT Institute. They include prairie realist artist Bea L. Anderson, Darci’s grandmother, and Elder Harry Bone, ground-breaking educator and member of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Elders’ Council. These scholarship funds will assist artists and Indigenous students in furthering their training in therapeutic use of the arts.
Please note that E-transfers sent directly to the Winnipeg Foundation will result in an automatic e-donation receipt, which cannot be exchanged for a game or book.
We are grateful for your support in making training in the therapeutic arts more accessible to all! Thank you for your consideration and support! If you wish to share these initiatives, please download the fundraising information below!
Bon Voyage! Exploring the Voyage Series through Expressive Arts
Imagine the fun of responding to a novel thru movement, music, puppetry, sculpting, drawing, drama, poetry or land-based arts. Watch your students faces light up as the written word comes alive in character, movement, or song. One of a handful of Manitoba made Expressive Arts publications, the Bon Voyage! guide introduces ways to use expressive arts activities when teaching the four novellas in the Voyage series: Jaimie and the Bison Hunt, Gabriel Between Dog and Wolf, Harry and the Dark Horse and Sara in Raven’s Clothes.
Themes explored in the series relate to Canadian History, Métis and Indigenous traditions, identity and self-knowledge, effective communication and dealing with loss. Explore the virtues of responsibility, honesty, friendship, empathy, courage, leadership and entrepreneurship through a variety of dynamic, tactile media. Expressive arts provide an embodied experience of the written text promoting engagement from a variety of different ways of knowing.
25% of proceeds go towards WHEAT's Maria Campbell Indigenous Healing Arts Publishing Fund when you mention WHEAT at time of purchase. Bon voyage!
Interested in Simply Giving?
WHEAT Institute, in partnership with The Winnipeg Foundation, offers the opportunity for supporters to make tax-deductible contributions to the Winnipeg Holistic Expressive Arts Therapy Scholarship Fund. All gifts are greatly appreciated and contribute to the development of excellence in the therapeutic use of the arts. Should you wish to receive a game and make a contribution greater than $200, please make these payments in separate transactions, so that you will receive both the game and a tax-deductible receipt for the amount over $200.
Gifts may be made online or by mail directly to:
The Winnipeg Foundation
1350 One Lombard Place
Winnipeg, MB
R3B 0X3

Playing with Archetypes (English)
Little Calf's Journey (English)
Little Calf's Journey / Le voyage de P'tit Veau

The Voyage Series Collection