Tainsi. Bosho. Welcome.
If you are interested. in collaborating with Indigenous peoples.
for personal and social change. through the healing arts.
you have come to the right place. at the right space and time…
Let us begin…
As Art Therapists. Artists. Healers. Teachers. Activists.
Visionaries. as “HeARTivists”.
Today in these challenging times…
many of us are being called to serve…we are wondering…
How can we can Listen. Actively Acknowledge. and Support.
Indigenous peoples. in our necessary ongoing struggles.
for Personal. Collective. Global Decolonization?
What is required for each of us to sustain a Healing presence?
to Recover from Personal. Intergenerational. Collective Trauma?
What is required for our Nations to find Peace?
to begin a Shared Journey towards True Reconciliation?
Join Collaborative EagleVision.
Deepen our shared understanding of how we can all Contribute. Create.
Through Many. Diverse. Reconcili-Actions.
between and among. All Our Peoples.
in Harmony with All Our Relations.
For and With. Earth Mother.
In Collaborative EagleVision.
We are being Called. to Share our Gifts.
to Embrace our multidimensional Powers of Creativity.
to Respond. Truthfully. Directly. Respectfully. Compassionately.
to Pains. and Traumas. of All.
to ReAwaken. Ancient forms of Ancestral Resiliency. still available.
by embracing Interdependence. with our Mother Earth.
who sustains all Life Forms.
We will be Echoing. Reverberating. Strengthening.
Heartfelt Messages. of Indigenous Ancestors.
Elders. Grandmothers. Sisters. and Brothers.
Those who have shared their Gifts. Words. Hearts. and Arts.
over the last several many Seasons. Moons. Generations.
Those who know. our current COVID Challenges are Deeply Rooted.
in our current Disconnection from Earth Mother.
We are here to ReAwaken. Ancestral Resiliency within.
to become continually Amazed. at Gifts of Creativity.
Radical Courage. Wisdom. Love. and Respect.
Our Ancestors. are willing. and able. to share with us. through us.
This Legacy is passed to us. thru our Connections. with each other.
with Earth Mother. with Elemental. Magical.
and Celestial Energies.
We are here to ReAwaken. Collaborative EagleVision within.
And to Acknowledge. it is our Responsibility. our Life Purpose.
to Embody our Gifts. and with Respect. Generosity and Humility.
Each of us are Called. to pass on our Teachings.
For and With. Generations to Come.
to Protect. and Defend. Earth Mother.
to Protect. and Defend.
Rights of future Generations. to Live.
With Heart-felt Gratitude. i Thank you All.
for being here to receive my LIFE as Medicine. my HeARTivism.
Together. collaboratively. EagleVision will inspire. each and every one of us.
to become even more Engaged. in acts of Transformation.
to commit to everyday acts. of Rebelliousness.
to deeply explore all forms. of Creative Resistance.
and to Desire an ever-deepening Connection.
Interdependence. For and With. each other.
our Ancestors. our Earth Mother. our Cosmos.
Thank you. Meegwetch. All My Relations.
- Fyre Jean Graveline

Are you an Indigenous Art Therapist or Settler Ally providing service for Indigenous Peoples and/or Communities, and looking for a space, time and place to land and connect? Fyre Jean has decades of experience providing supportive and healing spaces for and with Indigenous peoples and allies, and mentorship for service providers in agencies and post secondary systems, as well as navigating her own successful private practice, Circle Works Counselling and Consulting. She has evolved her own practice model LIFE as Medicine where she weaves her own Lived Experience, with Indigenous Spirituality, Feminist Activism, and a dedication to Ecological Sustainability. She welcomes the co-creation of “HeARTivist” healing practices, where together, we recognize growth opportunities arising within “personal” challenges experienced, from a trauma-informed and resiliency based focus, while simultaneously acknowledging intergenerational and collective trauma fields, and our roles in engaging in community and social change.
Register now for Collaborative EagleVision! Submit your web registration HERE and contact Stephanie at info@wheatinstitute.com if you have any questions.