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ReAwakening Ancestral Resiliency with Fyre Jean (part 4 of 4)

Fyre Jean Graveline (left) with WHEAT students and Lana Whiskeyjack (right) at Saskatchewan

summer launch, July 2019

In Ancestral times All Beings were communicated with and included as part of the Council of Collective Wisdom, giving Life and Voice to the Elemental Powers, the Air, the Fire, the Water, and the Earth, as well as to All Our Relations, the winged, the crawlers, the swimmers, the four-legged, the stone people, the tree nations, and all ones. We are now heading to Extinction due to our relatively recent loss of ability to communicate with All Our Relations. Through Eco-Arts, we can learn to Listen, to Earth Mother, and All Our Relations, and become a Voice, For and With, more sustainable human living practices that harmonize with, rather than dominate, All Life Forms. This is a Call to Action, to engage with, and embody, our central Response-Ability as Humans at this precarious and precious Time.

Join Fyre Jean, Metis Grandmother, Artist, Art Therapist, Earth Activist for a powerfully transformative and playful hands-on experience this spring! We have created a 600+ hour Indigenized Art Therapy Diploma, with a 700 hour practicum, which meets the training requirements for graduates to register as professional art therapists with the Canadian Art Therapy Art Association. This program is the first fully Indigenized Art Therapy program in Canada, which features Indigenous art therapists, instructors and supervisors exclusively. The anticipated launch of this program is online in July 2020!


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