OEATA / CEATA Meeting held on January 4, 2020 in Winnipeg, MB
Present: Terri Roberton (OEATA President), Darci Adam (WHEAT Director), Kim Burgess, Miriam Duff, Lois Goertzen, Frieda Lepp-Kaethler and Stephanie Scott
Ontario Expressive Arts Therapy Association President Terri Roberton visited WHEAT over the holidays to share her perspective on our rapidly growing and evolving field and the move for this Toronto-based association to better reflect a national perspective. Below are the meeting minutes. If you have questions, please contact us at info@wheatinstitute.com or contact Terri at info@oeata.ca. Join us to share in the excitement of this developing field!

Left to right: Kim Burgess, Terri Roberton, Darci Adam, Miriam Duff, Stephanie Scott
Help promote the significance of OEATA/CEATA to expressive arts therapists and practitioners across Canada
o Benefits to the field of expressive arts therapies include:
§ Advocacy
§ Educational component
§ Networking
o Personal and professional benefits for expressive arts therapists and practitioners
§ Membership in professional association
§ Availability of liability insurance
§ Bursary opportunities
§ Continuing education
§ Networking
Helpful Acronyms:
OEATA – Ontario Expressive Arts Therapy Association https://oeata.ca/
CEATA – Canadian Expressive Arts Therapies Association (OEATA is re-branding in 2020!)
IEATA – International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (USA) https://www.ieata.org/
REACE – Registered Expressive Arts Consultant Educator
REAT – Registered Expressive Arts Therapist
CRPO – College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario https://www.crpo.ca/
FACT MB – Federation of Associations of Counseling Therapists (Manitoba) http://www.fact-manitoba.org/
There are FACTs in 5 provinces in Canada
RHPA – Regulated Health Professions Act
Each province has one. Information on Manitoba https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/rhpa/
CCPA – Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association https://www.ccpa-accp.ca/
ExAT - Expressive Arts Therapy
Meeting Notes:
o Mission is to develop, steward and promote the Expressive Arts Therapy profession and the interests of Expressive Arts Therapists
o Open to members across Canada!
- Represent all members, including consultants, educators, community artists, students and those who are registered Expressive Arts Therapists
o Category of Associate Expressive Arts Practitioner is similar to IEATA’s REACE
o Anyone can become a member (BA or MA entry)
- One benefit of joining OEATA/CEATA is that professional registration with a College (such as CRPO in Ontario) usually requires:
o Membership with a professional association
o Insurance
- OEATA/CEATA members are eligible for group liability insurance
- Many individuals are also registered with CCPA and/or IEATA
o It is normal for professionals to belong to multiple associations
o OEATA has sat on bursary review committees with CCPA; it’s normal to have interaction between associations
o Fees are tax deductible
o CCPA does have a Creative Arts Chapter https://www.ccpa-accp.ca/chapters/creative-arts-counselling/
- OEATA/CEATA is helping prepare members for regulating bodies
o There is no Manitoba-specific College yet (i.e. CRPO equivalent)
- OEATA/CEATA offers bursary opportunities
o Concentrating on fields outside of the expressive arts field to help spread awareness ExAT
§ Research projects - $1000 available
§ Project development - $1000 available
§ Student – two $500 bursaries are available
o Bursaries can be used for assisting with presenting at conferences outside of the expressive arts field (such as health equity, health promotion, Indigenous health, medical educators, nursing, etc.)
o Application forms are available online
- Continuing education workshops will be offered in Ontario, British Columbia and Manitoba
- Student Membership $25/year is available for those currently enrolled in an expressive arts program, in addition to graduates within 1 year of graduation
Opportunity - Call for Presenters:
Canadian Association for Health Humanities
Creating Space 10 conference being held in Vancouver, BC April 17 - 18, 2020
Abstract deadline is January 15th. Open to non-medical professionals. It is important to have creative arts therapists involved. More information available online at https://www.cahh.ca/new-page-1
Next Steps!
1) Visit https://oeata.ca/ and sign up to receive the newsletter. Information will be going out shortly on the re-branding into CEATA. According to the governance by-laws there needs to be an agreement to the name change. OEATA will be sending out a referendum to vote on this name change.
2) Join as a member! Membership is open to all Canadians, and reduced rate student membership is available for those currently enrolled in an expressive arts program or within 1 year of their graduation
3) There will be a member login access to forms and templates after the official re-branding. In the meantime, please contact info@oeata.ca for forms.
4) Official re-branding into CEATA will take place over the course of early 2020, following the referendum. There will be an announcement regarding a re-branding competition for graphic designers.
5) We are pleased to announce that Miriam Duff has volunteered to be the Manitoba Rep for CEATA's inaugural Regional/Provincial Representatives Committee.
6) An Education Standards Committee will be set up
7) A CEATA national conference will be on the horizon in the future
For details on CEATA Contact:
Terri Roberton info@oeata.ca
Facebook @OEATA
Instagram @OEATAOfficial